
High Reliability and Fast-Speed Phase-Change Memory Based on Sb70Se30/SiO2 Multilayer Thin Films

栏目:用户论文 发布时间:2020-04-16

High Reliability and Fast-Speed Phase-Change Memory Based on Sb70Se30/SiO2 Multilayer Thin Films 


The amorphous-to-crystalline transition was investigatedby in situ temperature-dependent resistance (R-T) measurement using a TP 95 temperature controller (LinkamScientic Instruments Ltd., Surrey, UK) at a heating rate of10°C/min. e size of each measured thin lm is 1 cm × 1 cm.e electrode made up of Si3N4 is set up on the surface of thesample with a diameter of 0.7 μm, and the separation gapbetween two electrodes is 5 mm. e activation energy (Ea)and data retention temperature of ten years can be furthergained by measuring the isothermal crystallization curve. ebandgap was obtained by measuring the re‘ectivity of thinlms in the range of 400–2500 nm by the NIR spectrophotometer (7100CRT, XINMAO, China). e crystallinestructures of the lms were analyzed by X-ray di„raction(XRD, PANalytical, X’PERT Powder). e incidence angle θranges from 10° to 30°, and the di„raction patterns were takenin the 2θ range from 20° to 60° using Cu Kα radiation witha scanning step of 0.01°C/min. e surface morphology of thelms was examined by atomic force microcopy (AFM,FMNanoview 1000). A picosecond laser pump-probe systemwas used to investigate the phase-change time betweenamorphous and crystalline states, by measuring the re‘ectivity of the material. e light source used for irradiating thesamples was a frequency-doubled model-locked neodymiumyttrium aluminum garnet laser operating at 532 nm wavelength at a pulse duration of 30 ps.


Dan Zhang, Yifeng Hu,Haipeng You,Xiaoqin Zhu,Yuemei Sun,Hua Zou and Yan Zheng


Advances in Materials Science and Engineering  Volume 2018, Article ID 9693015, 6 pages