Improvement in reliability and powerconsumption based on Ge10Sb90 filmsthrough erbium doping
The Er-doped Ge10Sb90 thin films of Erx(Ge10Sb90)1-x(0 B x B 0.024) were deposited on SiO2/Si (100)wafers by co-sputtering of Er and Ge10Sb90 targets atroom temperature using magnetron sputtering. Thepurity of Sb and Ge10Sb90 targets was 99.999%. Thebase pressure in the deposition chamber was2 9 10-4 Pa. Sputtering was performed under the Argas pressure of 0.3 Pa and the flow of 30 SCCM. Thethin film thickness was set to 50 nm through controlling deposition time of Ge10Sb90. To ensure theuniformity of deposition, the substrate holder wasrotated at an autorotation speed of 20 rpm. Theamorphous-to-crystalline transition was investigatedby in situ temperature-dependent resistance (R-T)measurement using a TP 95 temperature controller(Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd., Surrey, UK)under Ar atmosphere. The reflectivity of the filmswas measured in the range of 400–2500 nm by NIRspectrophotometer (7100CRT, XINMAO, China). Thecrystalline structures of the films were analyzed byX-ray diffraction (XRD, PANalytical, X’PERT Powder). The surface morphology of the films wasexamined by atomic force microcopy (AFM, FMNanoview 1000). The PCM devices based on theEr0.018(Ge10Sb90)0.982 thin film with a tungsten heatingelectrode of 260 nm diameter were fabricated by 0.18-lm CMOS technology. Between the Er0.018(Ge10-Sb90)0.982 film and the top electrode, a 20-nm-thickTiN film was deposited by direct current magnetronsputtering. Current–voltage (I–V), resistance–voltage(R–V) and endurance characteristics were conductedusing a Keithley 2400 semiconductor parameteranalyzer and an Agilent 81104A programmable pulsegenerator.
Hua Zou, Yifeng Hu, Xiaoqin Zhu,Yuemei Sun, Long Zheng, Yongxing Sui,Shichen Wu & Zhitang Song